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Recovery Pearls

The purpose of Recovery Pearls is to provide a place for hurting women to visit and read how I overcome life experiences, day-to-day struggles, and inspirations.

About Me

Phyllis Pickens

My name is Phyllis. I am a daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, niece, friend, employee, and manager. I have recovered from some of the ramifications of living the life of an addict. The purpose of this blog is to share my life experiences and inspiration to Women who desire to move from feeling stuck to moving forward positively by sharing my life experiences, motivations, and insight. Feel free to share this site with women you know that need encouragement, courage, and a gentle push to become the pearl they are.

- Phyllis


What We Do

It's time to dream big and discover your calling

Share strategies and resources to help get you moving towards a better life


Motivational Speaking

At the foundation of my motivational style is my love for people. There are different types of love. I use agape love, the love for humankind,  to share life experiences to encourage, inspire and promote change. This approach intends to help people change their negative mindsets and perception. The goal is to help them visualize living a better life.


Peer Support Services

Now that the individual can visualize a better life, we need to determine what a better life entails. I offer support and encouragement during the journey. For starters, I help the person find gratitude and appreciation in their current situation. Asking open-ended questions helps create a plan and set attainable goals.


Our Mission

To empower women to overcome life’s struggles by helping to change negative thinking to positive.

Why Choose Us

As a survivor of a broken home, molestation, addiction, domestic violence, and divorce, I’ll share my journey to living a better life.


Recovery Pearls © 2022. All Rights Reserved

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